Carsten Dominik writes:
> I am sure I missed the discussion about this - but I do not understand
> why org-version is not loaded by org.el by default.  Really, this
> variable belongs into org.el, and if it is not there, org.el should
> require org-version.el.

The variable _is_ in org.el (currently by way of a defvaralias), but the
value is supplied by an autoload.  That seemed to be the cleanest way to
inject the version string from Git into it, especially considering that
the same code should be in Emacs and not look for a Git directory during
compilation or at runtime.  Currently, if you do not have the autoloads
generated, you don't get a version number — "make autoloads" is doing
that and I#ll have something ready for folks without make soon.  Looking
directly for a Git version number if and only if there is no autoload
definition present (using orgmode uncompiled) will be also solved, but
getting it to work correctly takes time.  I've just installed XEmacs to
be able to test it myself and unfortunately what is working in Emacs
23/24 can't be used directly in XEmacs, so I'll have to supply
compatibility functions or chose a different implementation.

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