Stephen Eglen <> writes: > A relatively new emacs mailer, mu4e, is worth mentioning: > > > > I really like it so far + it has support for org mode links.
Thanks :) If you're interested, in the guile/examples directory, there's a guile script 'org2mu4e' that turns an arbitrary query into an org-mode file. I.e., I am using this (from cron) org2mu4e --tag=mu4e "maildir:/todo" > /home/djcb/Documents/org/ where '/todo' is my folder of mails I need to do something with (think 'NextAction' in GTD terms). I use it to make a block agenda (i.e., `org-agenda-custom-commands'); this gives me a list of my agenda for today, my todo list, e-mail that require some action, and a list of co ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ("x" "Overview for today" ( (agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 1))) (todo "TODO" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks") (org-agenda-todo-ignore-timestamp 1) (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t))) (tags "+mu4e" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "E-mail") ;; ---> this is the mu/guile generated org-file (org-agenda-files '("/home/djcb/Documents/org/")) (org-agenda-filter-preset nil))))) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- which gives me something like the below, a nice overview of the things to work on. The e-mail entries links to the actual messages in mu4e. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day-agenda (W17): Saturday 28 April 2012 misc: Sched.13x: APPT Get haircut weekly: Sched. 1x: TODO Weekly Review [Link] birthday: Kurt Gödel (106 years ago) =========================================================================== Tasks task: TODO [#A] Fix bicycle task: TODO [#B] get rid of old monitor task: TODO [#C] visit dentist =========================================================================== E-mail mu4e: "Can you endorse me?" :mu4e:: mu4e: "Re: hi Dirk!" :mu4e:: mu4e: "Hi!" :mu4e:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best wishes, Dirk. -- Dirk-Jan C. Binnema Helsinki, Finland pgp: D09C E664 897D 7D39 5047 A178 E96A C7A1 017D DA3C