Dear all, we will have 3 students hacking Org thanks to Google and the GSoC program. The list of all accepted projects can be checked here: Congratulations to Thorsten, Aurélien and Andrew who made it! And special thanks to Thorsten, who really pushed me into this. Here is a short description of these projects: Bugpile - a bugtracker for GNU Emacs Org-mode written in Elisp and Org-mode (Thorsten) The Bugpile project has two goals: 1. Develop a bugtracker (called Bugpile) for GNU Emacs Org-mode, using Elisp, Elnode, Org-mode, and a dVCS. 2. As part of the engineering process, abstract out a web-framework (called iOrg) based on these GNU Emacs technologies. A web-framework written in Elisp, with Org files used for database functionality, is a new approach that enables interactive web applications built on top of GNU Emacs. Bugpile is an example application, but useful in itself. Org-mode – Let Org-mode synchronize with online bug-tracking and todo-list services (Aurélien) There's currently no convenient way to manage services like Redmine, Bugzilla or GitHub issue tracking system in Org-mode. Org-mode already handles TODO-list pretty well, but there's no synchronization functionality for TODO-list services such as Toodledo or Google Tasks. The goal of the project is to let Org-mode import and export to these kind of services in a generic way so that new services can be added easily later on. Emacs-Orgmode Git merge tool for Org Files (Andrew Young) The purpose of the project is to create a specialized Git merge driver for plain text Org-Mode formatted files. A merge driver is a program which will combine two versions of a file based off of a common ancestor into a single file, marking conflicting changes within. A specialized merge driver for Org-Mode files will be able to leverage the structure to understand the effects of modifications on the integrity of sections. The merge driver will solidify Org-Mode as a tool for collaborative work. Eric Schulte will mentor Thorsten's project and I will mentor Aurélien's and Andrew's ones, with the help of Nicolas and Carsten. This is an exciting time for Org: no doubt that having people paid for hacking Org on a full-time basis will boost our favorite software. This is an exciting time for me as a maintainer and future mentor: no doubt that I will *learn* a lot, from both a technical and a human point of view - as usual. Now that my age and pseudo-marital position make me come home with a baguette every evening, it will be good to feel like a student again :) Thanks to all for your long-lasting commitment and support. Happy orging, -- Bastien