** Nick Dokos [2012-04-05 00:13:10 -0400]:

> Vladimir Lomov <lomov...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> #+TITLE: Problem with exporting TAB key
>> #+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov

>> * How to make TAB key to be exported from ORG document?

>> Consider the following example:
>> #+name: ex1
>> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code
>> sort -t "    " -k 3 -o file2 file1
>> sort -t "    " -k 3 -o file3 file
>> #+END_SRC

>> How I inserting the TAB key in example: for first line I use =C-q
>> C-I=, for second line I use =C-q TAB=, but in tangled file and in
>> exported HTML document it is NOT a TAB just spaces.

>> How to force export and tangle functions not to convert TAB to spaces?

> You can't: org-export-preprocess-string (in lisp/org-exp.el) contains a
> call to untabify:

>       (untabify (point-min) (point-max))

Now I understand why I get such results.

> which converts tabs to spaces, no questions asked. I don't know why that
> is, so maybe Bastien or Carsten can tell us the reason.

I would be glad to hear the reason.

> If you are feeling adventurous, you might want to try commenting out
> that call and see what, if anything, breaks.

I can do other thing: use another symbol to separate fields (I'm writing
a script using literate programming approach and ORG, so it is a matter
of taste what to use as separator), but I'll try your suggestion also.

> Nick

Thanks Nick.


>> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle ex.sh :shebang "#!/bin/bash" :noweb yes
>> <<ex1>>
>> #+END_SRC

P.S. I noticed that you send message to my e-mail directly and CC to
mailing list. Is it "good practice" or just a habit? I thought that
answering to ML only is enough.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

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