Martin Halder <> writes:

> Hi all,
> was trying to use a table as input for a latex block. Is there a way to 
> directly reference parts of the table inside the block or do I have to 
> specify each parameter as separate parameter ?
> Thanks for help,
> Martin
Aloha Martin,

Can I ask why you want to use a table as input for a latex block?  An
alternative is to send the table to a source block in some other
language and then evaluate with :results latex.  The advantage is that
the other language can have loops and complex data types that make it
relatively easy to deal with tables.  It might be possible to do these
kinds of things with TeX, but it is likely to be difficult.


> This is working:
> #+tblname: data
> | Name    | John Doe     |
> | Address | Doestreet 42 |
> | Country | Doecountry   |
> #+name: invoice(name=data[0,1], address=data[1,1], country=data[2,1])
> #+begin_src latex
> name
> address
> country
> #+end_src
> #+RESULTS: invoice
> John Doe
> Doestreet 42
> Doecountry
> #+END_LaTeX
> what I would like to do:
> #+name: invoice(data=data)
> #+begin_src latex
> data[0,1]
> data[1,1]
> data[2,1]
> #+end_src
> or even better:
> #+name: invoice(data=data)
> #+begin_src latex
> data['Name']
> data['Adress']
> data['Country']
> #+end_src

Thomas S. Dye

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