Hi, My aim is to have a document that can that can be updated via the command line batch command. What prevents this the need to rearrange the header lines on a table that has multiple uses:
- to capture the columnview, the #+BEGIN line must be the first line above the table - to export to latex, the #+ORGTBL line must be the first line above the table - to name the table so that it may be - referred to in a source blocks, the #+TBLNAME line much be the first - one All three scenarios may be investigated using the table in the attached file. It would be nice if the #+ lines did not need to be reordered before accessing each feature so I am wondering if it would be feasible to unify these header lines or at least make them ignore any subsequent lines starting #+ ? Thanks, Myles
#+STARTUP: indent #+COLUMNS: %50ITEM %5Effort(Time est. [H:M]){:} #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t #+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:nil #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport * Competition between table header lines ** Introduction The aim is to have a document that can that can be updated via the command line batch command. What prevents this the need to rearrange the header lines on a table that has multiple uses: - to capture the columnview, the #+BEGIN line must be the first line above the table - to export to latex, the #+ORGTBL line must be the first line above the table - to name the table so that it may be referred to in a source blocks, the #+TBLNAME line much be the first one All three scenarios may be investigated using the table below. It would be nice if the #+ lines did not need to be reordered before accessing each feature. ** Table :PROPERTIES: :Effort: 0:30 :END: #+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 5 :id local #+TBLNAME: cvtblname #+ORGTBL: SEND cvtbl orgtbl-to-latex :fmt (1 padStr) | ITEM | Time est. [H:M] | |----------+-----------------| | ** Table | 0:30 | #+END: #+BEGIN_LATEX \begin{landscape} % BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL cvtbl \begin{tabular}{lr} ITEM & Time est. [H:M] \\ \hline ** Table & 0:30 \\ \end{tabular} % END RECEIVE ORGTBL cvtbl \end{landscape} #+END_LATEX #+NAME: calcblk #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=cvtblname[-1,1] :exports none data #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: calcblk : 0:30