p.s. it _would_ be good to have an option, when exporting a "#+BEGIN_SRC org" block, to use the Org export settings from the main Org file, rather than exporting a fontified copy of the Org buffer for the block. Is there a way to do that currently?
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Ilya Shlyakhter <ilya_...@alum.mit.edu>wrote: > In Org, entry text can't have substructure (other than drawers and plain > lists): you can't have an entry that > has some text, then a subtree, then more text. > I just (re-)discovered that you can get around that by using "#+BEGIN_SRC > org" to include arbitrary org > subtrees in the middle of entry text. That's useful not just when > writing in Org about Org, but anytime you want > to insert an extended sidenote in the middle of an entry. As with all > source blocks, you edit it in its native (Org) > mode and it exports correctly. You can copy links from the main Org and > past them into the nested Org. > > Just wish I'd learned this sooner :) So, maybe mention this in the manual > in the sections on drawers and plainlists. > > ilya > >