<#!multipart type=alternative><#!part type=text/plain>
Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:

git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git

I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:

(org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
(org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")

However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs

** Agenda Setup
:CUSTOM_ID: AgendaSetup

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :exports none
  ;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
  ;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
  ;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files
  (if (boundp 'org-user-agenda-files)
      (setq org-agenda-files org-user-agenda-files)
    (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/git/org"

I know I could edit the file directly and change tangle to 'no'.

But is there a way to exclude this section dynamically when I start up
emacs without having to manually change Bernt's file?  This is because
I'd like to use git pull again in the future to get Bernt's latest
changes and not have to keep track of the changes I made.

There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
that loads org file section by id or tag, but I'm not sure if there's a
way to do the opposite and load while excluding id(s) or tag(s) using

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


<#!part type=text/html>
<p>Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:<br/>
git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git<br/>
I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:<br/>
(org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")<br/>
(org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")<br/>
However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id<br/>
of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs<br/>
<div id="outline-container-AgendaSetup" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="AgendaSetup"><a name="sec-1" id="sec-1"></a>Agenda Setup</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-AgendaSetup">

Is there a way to exclude this section.  This is because I'd<br/>
like to not have to edit his file manually so I can use git pull again<br/>
in the future to get Bernt's latest changes.<br/>
There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load<br/>
that loads by org id, but I'm not sure if there's a way to exclude by<br/>
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.<br/>

<!-- hhmts start --> <!-- hhmts end --></p>

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