Paul Magwene <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get up to speed with org-mode and babel for doing
> reproducible computational research.  I'm just starting to play around
> with simple examples, and I'm baffled by the following.
> This first example, when exported to HTML or LaTeX produces the
> expected result -- a simply code block with one embedded figure.
> # Example 1.
> This is my R example:
> #+begin_src R :file z.png :results output graphics
> plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")
> #+end_src
> Some intervening text...
> #+results:
> [[file:z.png]]
> However, this almost identical example, minus the intervening text
> between the code and the results, doesn't include the figure:
> # Example 2
> This is my R example:
> #+begin_src R :file z.png :results output graphics
> plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> [[file:z.png]]
> What gives here? Do I always need to have intervening text between the
> source code and results in order to get a figure in the exported
> document?

You need an :exports both header:

#+begin_src R :file z.png :results output graphics :exports both
plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")

I don't know how or why the intervening text affects anything, but
it just smells like a red herring to me...

Nick :-)

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