Hi, Jonas
if you enter in the AUCTeX buffer (C-c') and than you use the AUCTeX C-c
C-e, you can choose the environment you need in the emacs minibuffer such
as in LaTeX.


2012/2/8 Jonas Hörsch <co...@online.de>

> Hi list,
> On Wed, Feb 08 2012, Riccardo Romoli wrote:
> > thanks a lot for your answer!! I completely ignore that C-c' lunch the
> > small buffer for all the code within the src blocks. I belive it was used
> > only for ESS....
> the only remaining problem is that the AUCTeX mode tries to be smart
> about what environments it allows to insert. f.ex. inserting
> #+begin_src latex
> #+end_src
> then C-', brings one to a source buffer with AUCTeX-mode enabled.
> But a C-c C-e to insert an environment doesn't want to complete on
> itemize or figure, but instead only allows to choose document (Which
> would be perfectly sane under the assumption that the buffer contains
> the whole tex-document).
> Does anybody know how to deactivate this "feature" of AUCTeX? Perhaps
> setting TeX-master-file to something special?
> Thanks,
> Jonas

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