Tom:  We directly integrate with the calendar service on the android
device.  You can find documentation here:

The gist of it is this:
1. create a calendar in google cal (you can do this on the web and it will
sync the empty calendar to your phone)
2. go to mobileorg's settings and choose that calendar and make some of
other choice in the calendar section
3. (Optionally) select the "clear your database" in MobileOrg settings.
 MobileOrg only looks at newly synced content to determine what to add to
the calendar.  Clearing your database will let MobileOrg re-sync all files.
4. Sync and we will automatically put those items into your chosen calendar
(and will continue to do this on subsequent syncs).  By virtual of it being
a Google calendar it will automatically get synced up to google's calendar
services on

Sven: I'm adding a feature request right now to will allow you to trigger a
capture directly from tasker/locale and to have a widget that is just the
icon and will trigger the capture interface.
... but the old scripting method should work.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Sven Bretfeld <> wrote:

> Hi Tom
> Tom Regner <> writes:
> > I seldom capture notes, so a "Capture" shortcut is of no use to
> > me; I almost always capture via the android "share this" facility.
> For those who miss a Capture shortcut: It's also possible to create an
> icon that calls the capture function. Tasker would be a way to do this.
> It's explained on the "Scripting" site of the MobileOrg Github.
> Greetings,
> Sven

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