"Phil Mason" <phil.ma...@broadcom.com> writes:

> Hello all,
> If I evaluate the following source block in emacs 23.1.1, org mode
> v7.8.03 it reports that it produces no output:
>      #+begin_src sh :results replace
>        foo=1
>        if [[ -n "$foo" ]]; then
>            echo "foo has been defined (and has value $foo)"
>        else
>            echo "foo has not been defined"
>        fi       
>        if [[ -n "$bar" ]]; then
>            echo "bar has been defined (and has value $bar)"
>        else
>            echo "bar has not been defined"
>        fi       
>      #+end_src
> Confusingly if I remove either if block then the results for the
> remaining one is correct and if I run the same code from within an
> actual script it works as I expect (foo is defined, bar is not). Can
> anybody provide any clues about what I'm doing wrong.
> Thanks in advance

I believe adding :results output should fix this problem, as what you
want is a collection of the text printed to STDOUT.

With that change I get the following...

#+begin_src sh :results replace output
  if [[ -n "$foo" ]]; then
      echo "foo has been defined (and has value $foo)"
      echo "foo has not been defined"
  if [[ -n "$bar" ]]; then
      echo "bar has been defined (and has value $bar)"
      echo "bar has not been defined"

: foo has been defined (and has value 1)
: bar has not been defined

> Phil

Eric Schulte

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