
I was wondering if there is any useful way, to organize images in
tables. This would be useful e.g. if one needs to organize some images
on a regular grid, but the images aren't equally sized, such that a
simple line break doesn't do the trick.

Creating just a table with the image links inside will work
/basically/, assuming that the images have an appropriate size, but if
resizing is needed, I can't see how to do this in a table (because
inside no e.g.  #+ATTR_LATEX line is possible).

The same problem also occurs when I want to preview images side-by-side, e.g.

  :  [[./img1.png]] [[./img2.png]]

though here actually newlines from fill-paragraph/auto-fill add to the
problem - as will be the size of some high-resolution images.

My only current solution is to use explicit LaTeX and then preview the
LaTeX, but that slows down operation considerably.

Is anything currently implemented to allow such usage?

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