>      - Email.  Some very elegant (in complicated ways) solutions have
>      been generated, but all I need it simple text-based email.  I
>      would be willing to install sendmail or postfix, if need be, but
>      I don't really wish to send html based email.  See the next item.

Limiting to the one aspect of this email towards which I may have
something useful to contribute.  One option for text email is to use
org-mime from contrib/lisp/org-mime.el and then structure a subtree as

| * send this to eric
|   :mail_to:  eric.schu...@foo.bar
|   :END:
| Here is an Org-mode email which will be sent to me.
| | 1 |
| | 2 |
| | 3 |
| | 4 |

calling org-mime-subtree from within that subtree will result in a
message buffer holding the following (modulo your gnus/message setup)

| To: eric.schu...@foo.bar
| Subject: send this to eric
| X-Draft-From: ("org-mode" 2692)
| From: Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@foo.bar>
| --text follows this line--
| Here is an Org-mode email which will be sent to me.
| | 1 |
| | 2 |
| | 3 |
| | 4 |

By default the resulting email is text generated using (I believe)


>      One thing I really like about Org-mode is the ability to keep a
>      large number of kinds of information straight in various
>      ways---either in separate files, or for related topics, in
>      different headlines of the same file.  I need all of these files
>      to be searched.  The best searching seems to reside in the agenda
>      interface.  But it seems illogical, to me, to constrain searching
>      to the same set of files as for an Agenda, except if I am only
>      searching things I am currently keeping on todo lists.  I want a
>      large subset of *.org files open for searches, but I may want to
>      limit the number of files processed for a daily or weekly agenda
>      view.

The desire to separate searching from agenda views makes perfect sense
to me.  I've never used the searching features of Org-mode myself.  I
suppose I use rgrep when digging through my Org-mode ~/notes/recipes.


Eric Schulte

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