El mar, 07 feb 2012, Rick Moynihan decía:

>    Hi all,
>    I recently wanted to use org-mode to do some simple calculations where
>    estimate values would hierarchically bubble up a tree, in a similar way to
>    checkbox percentages e.g.
>    * Total Effort [110]
>    ** Task 1 [45]
>    *** Task 1.1 [20]
>    *** Task 1.2 [10]
>    *** Task 1.3 [15]
>    *** Task 1.4 [10]
>    ** Task 2 [65]
>    Non leaf nodes would have their values automatically updated on a C-c C-c
>    to the sum of their children.  Is there a way of doing something similar
>    to this at the moment?  Maybe with property drawers or otherwise?  
>    R.

Try this:


  #+COLUMNS:     %50ITEM %10Effort{$} %10CASH{$}

  ***** DONE my item
        CLOSED: [2012-01-03 mar 14:46]
        :Effort:   10.50
        :CASH:     20.20




  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
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