Hey Sven, glad you like it!

1. Calendar sync only looks at new items as they come in.  So anything
that's on your device already will need to be rey-synced to pick up the
changes.  The easiest way to do this is to use the "Clear Database" option
under the settings menu.  After doing this you can re-sync your files and
it will re-process your SCHEDULE and DEADLINE items into the calendar.

2. The storage and edit handling aspect of MobileOrg has been completely
rewritten.  It is now much safer to edit and capture files than in the
past.  However, we still aren't editing files directly since org-mode in
emacs still wouldn't know how to handle it.  Hopefully in the future that
will change, but for now at least... we've made it safer from the MobileOrg

3. Absolutely... it's already a feature request:
https://github.com/matburt/mobileorg-android/issues/146  So hopefully we
can have that implemented in the near future.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Sven Bretfeld <sven.bretf...@gmx.ch> wrote:

> Hi Matthew, hi to all
> Thank you very much for MobileOrg 0.8. It has improved very much since
> the last update. Really good work.
> I have a few questions.
> 1. Calendar Sync doesn't seem to work on my device. I chose one of my
>   GoogleCalendars to sync to. But the Test item I created didn't show
>   up in the stock calendar app, even after a while. Do I have to create
>   a new calendar to sync to? Or is it necessary to trigger syncing
>   somehow? On the other hand, if a GoogleCalendar is fine, will it sync
>   to the GoogleCalendar proper?
> 2. Is it now possible to edit org-files within MobileOrg, i.e. actually
>   use MobileOrg as an editor for papers in orgmode? In the past I had
>   occasions where edits were swallowed after syncing. Now, I added just
>   one sentence to an existing org-file in 0.8. It worked! So, is it
>   save to entrust long text-edits to MobileOrg?
> 3. Would it be possible (in the long run) to have TAGS as a pop-up to
>   choose from in the Capture feature? Just like TODO keywords?
> Thanks again,
> Sven

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