Aloha Christian,

Thanks for your comments.  It is great to have feedback.

Christian Wittern <> writes:

> I think this is an excellent article, introducing an aspect of
> org-mode, which I think fills a gap that no other software I know of
> comes even close to approach.  I already started mentioning it in
> conversations and am sure it will be very useful to many members of
> the academic community.
> Just to make sure I could answer any follow up questions, I downloaded
> the replication bundle and started installing the dependencies.  I
> encountered a few problems and hope this is the right place to discuss
> them.  BTW, I am working with this on a Mac OS X 10.6 machine.
> Most of the dependencies I already had or  installed them from
> macports.  One problem I encountered was with installing the RSQLite
> package.  Executing the installation command from the README file did
> not work because of permission issues, the command needs to run with
> superuser rights.  Is it possible to give these rights to commands run
> from babel?  Since I did not find a way to do that, I installed from
> the R commandline, where I found that the name of the package is
> RSQLite, not 'RSQlite' as given in the readme file.
> The one dependency I could not solve was the 'dot' executable.  I
> assume this is an interpreter for the dot language, for which it seems
> the program on the Mac is named graphviz.  However, I am not sure how
> to make that work with org/babel.  Should I simply symlink to
> graphviz?  Or is there a babel variable to be set?  This is a point
> that probably needs some explanation, at least for Mac users (I
> realize that the articel might not have been intended as such a
> general introduction with details for all common OSses, but it would
> be nice if this can be gradually supplemented).
> One last remark; since this is an online publication, I think using
> proper fontification for the examples and org source code would be
> even more appealing, especially for people who encounter org for the
> first time.

Could you be more specific here?  It might be obvious to others, but I
don't understand what you mean by "proper fontification."

All the best,

> Keep up the excellent work!!
> Christian
> On 2012-01-27 23:43, Eric Schulte wrote:
>> Hopefully this will serve as the canonical introduction to working with
>> code blocks in Org-mode.
>> As we acknowledge in the paper this work would not have been possible
>> without the ideas and feedback of the Org-mode community, so thanks all!
>> Nick Dokos<>  writes:
>>> Andreas Leha<>  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> this just came into my inbox:
>>>> Great work!  Big thanks to the authors.
>>> I remember reading it with great pleasure back when Eric posted it to
>>> the list: beautiful stuff. I look forward to rereading it.
>>> Congratulations!
>>> Nick

Thomas S. Dye

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