>> 2) If the source block is executed in buffer with (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c),
>> as shown above, then the exporter appears to export the in-buffer
>> results /and/ the export-generated results (where :exports is results
>> or both) resulting in two sets of identical results in the export.
> It's out of exporter's scope.

I disagree.  The current exporter conforms to the value of the :results
header argument (e.g., silent, replace, append, etc...) when executing
code blocks during export.  I see no reason why the new exporter should
not as well.

> When you ask to export some buffer, what is really parsed is a copy of
> the current buffer with `org-export-blocks-preprocess' applied to it.
> So, simply apply that function in your test buffer, and you will see
> what is sent to the parser. That will explain why the results appear
> twice.
> In other words, tweaking the output of `org-export-blocks-preprocess'
> will automatically change the outcome of the export process.

Hmm, in light of this description it seems that the new export /should/
have the same behavior WRT code block execution as the current
exporter.  If not I wonder if a complete minimal example could be


> Regards,

Eric Schulte

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