t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

> Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> writes:
>>>>> As I recall this was originally implemented and then later removed because
>>>>> it was causing more confusion and problems than it was worth. I hope it
>>>>> hasn't crossed the line of existence more than once. At some point it
>>>>> should be placed behind a user-customizable variable, preferably something
>>>>> like `org-babel-export-code-format' which defaults to something like
>>>>> "%code" but could be augmented to something like "Block Name: *%name*\n
>>>>> %code". It is not immediately clear if such a variable should have
>>>>> different values for different export backends or (likely preferable)
>>>>> should expand into Org-mode text *before* export.
>>>> I think you're right about getting this done early in the process. I've 
>>>> been
>>>> thinking only about LaTeX export because that is my immediate goal--not a
>>>> good design perspective.
>> I've just pushed up a minor code change which makes customization of the
>> format of exported code blocks possible.  I've added a new customization
>> variable named `org-babel-exp-code-template' which can be used to
>> specify the text which replaces code block bodies during export.  The
>> default value of this variable specifies the existing export behavior.
>> The attached Org-mode file demonstrates this variable in action.
>> #+Title: Custom code block export formats
>> - Example code block
>>   #+Name: foo
>>   #+BEGIN_SRC sh :bar baz
>>     echo qux
>>   #+END_SRC
>> - Evaluate this block to export (shows the export of the name).
>>   #+Name: do-export-name
>>   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent
>>     (let ((org-babel-exp-code-template
>>            "\n=%name=:\n#+BEGIN_SRC %lang%flags\n%body\n#+END_SRC"))
>>       (org-export-as-html nil))
>>   #+END_SRC
>> - Evaluate this block to export (shows the export of header arguments).
>>   #+Name: do-export-header-arguments
>>   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent
>>     (let ((org-babel-exp-code-template
>>            "Header arguments for =%name=.
>>     | header  | value    |
>>     |---------+----------|
>>     | bar     | %bar     |
>>     | results | %results |\n#+BEGIN_SRC %lang%flags\n%body\n#+END_SRC"))
>>       (org-export-as-html nil))
>>   #+END_SRC
>> I imagine that this variable would likely be customized on a
>> file-by-file basis using "file local variables".
>>>> Perhaps I could help by specifying what I'm trying to do? I'd like to write
>>>> an article or book about particular statistical analyses. I want this also
>>>> to be a piece of reproducible research so readers of the book can follow
>>>> along and perhaps analyze data of their own. I'd like to write a code block
>>>> once and then use it in the following ways: 1) evaluate and return the
>>>> results of analyses; 2) export as a floating listing so I can refer to it 
>>>> in
>>>> discussions of implementation; and 3) tangle to a source code file that can
>>>> be used as the basis for a package that can be used outside of Org mode.
>> Sounds like a very cool project.  If this will be public I would love to
>> link to it from [1] when it is complete.
>>>> 1) is easy with #+call: With the :wrap header argument that we've
>>>> partially implemented, I can mark the results off in whatever environment I
>>>> like, which is a wonderful bit of flexibility. Different kinds of results
>>>> can be presented distinctively.
>>>> 2) is partially there--the code itself is handled nicely by minted and
>>>> I'm able to make it look as good as I want. What I'm lacking now is an easy
>>>> way to identify the code block. Seb's suggestion that the header lines be
>>>> included is one way, though Eric F.'s point about the special characters
>>>> tripping up LaTeX is well taken. It might be some work to get an
>>>> intermediate representation that can be exported to all the targets. My
>>>> alternate idea, which is to wrap the code block in an environment to which 
>>>> I
>>>> can attach a caption and a label, is the LaTeX approach and might not work
>>>> as well for other export targets.
>> This new solution replaces the code block with Org-mode text before
>> export.  This should be the most flexible as arbitrary #+HTML and
>> #+LATEX lines can be used in Org-mode.
>> Best,
>> Footnotes: 
>> [1]  http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/uses.html
> Hi Eric,
> Many thanks.  This works like a charm.  It is deeply satisfying to find
> my code block names in the book's "List of listings".
> I really appreciate your attention to these details.

Great to hear, Thanks Tom.

Eric Schulte

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