Stephen Eglen <> writes: > I've found a small bug with exporting ical files from read-only org > buffers. Create a simple buffer, e.g.: > > * test1 > <2012-01-12 Thu> > > and then hit C-x C-q to make the buffer read-only. Then do C-c C-e i > to export an ical file. You get an error that the buffer is read-only. > > I think this is due to the call to org-refresh-category-properties, > which can't update text proprties. > > My workaround is to do: > (setq inhibit-read-only nil) > > so that text properties can be added to read-only buffers. This could > be done locally within the ical export functions if others thought > sensible, for which I can send a patch if desired. > > Stephen
I have just run into another case where text properties and/or overlays clash with a read-only file: column view (M-x org-columns, C-c C-x C-c). In a read-only file, I get the error org-columns-compute-all: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer> If I make the file writable, org-columns works but, of course, does not actually modify the file. Thanks, eric -- : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs : using Org-mode version 7.8.03 (release_7.8.03.122.g5b407)