Hi Nick and François,

Nick Dokos wrote:
> François Pinard <pin...@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>> The bottom of the image is lined up with the baseline of the text (at first
>> glance at least) in the produced PDF, while in the Emacs buffer, the center
>> of the image is, which looks a bit nicer. Do we have some control over
>> this?
> You can do something like this:
> ## +BIND: org-export-latex-image-default-option ""
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{calc}
> * foo
> This is an inline image: 
> #+LaTeX: \raisebox{-\height / 2}{\includegraphics{scomp3.png}}
> . It should not be scaled.
> Of course that's hardly a satisfactory state of affairs. The obvious
> way of doing it however does not work:
> ,----
> | #+LaTeX: \raisebox{-\height / 2}{
> | [[./scomp3.png]]
> | #+LaTeX: }
> `----
> The latex exporter mangles it to:
> ,----
> | This is an inline image: 
> | \raisebox{-\height / 2}{%
> | [[./scomp3.png][./scomp3.png]]
> | }%
> | . It should not be scaled.
> `----

Using this:

#+begin_src org
  ## +BIND: org-export-latex-image-default-option ""
  #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{calc}

  * foo

  This is an inline image: 
  #+LaTeX: \raisebox{-\height / 2}{\includegraphics{scomp3.png}}
  . It should not be scaled.

produces that for me:

#+begin_src latex
  This is an inline image: 
  \raisebox{-\height / 2}{\includegraphics{scomp3.png}}
  . It should not be scaled.

So, it worked out-of-the-box.

> and I don't know any way to convince it to do it "right". Unless somebody
> can come up with such a way, the only possibility that remains is to hack
> org-latex.el.

You can try the dirty trick given by Carsten: adding `{}' in front of your
environment -- as "environments are only detected if they are the first thing
in a new line":

  #+LaTeX: {}\raisebox{-\height / 2}{

See http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/21183.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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