Niels Giesen <> wrote:

> Ken Williams <> writes:
> [...]
> > Would it be possible for the export process to define various classes
> > that default to being exactly like 'verbatim', but could be
> > customized? After that, a next step might be to provide nice defaults
> > that do things like syntax-highlighting (through the 'minted' package,
> > perhaps), or at least add a visual marker distinguishing between input
> > & output.
> >
> > Or of course it's possible some of this is already implemented and I've 
> > missed it. =)
> Yes it is:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (setq org-export-latex-listings 'minted)
>   (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted")
> #+end_src

NB: there's a closing paren missing in the add-to-list line.

> See also `org-export-latex-listings-langs' for a mapping of Emacs modes
> to languages known to pygmentize.
> Also see
> C-h v org-export-latex-listings RET
> for more information (e.g. about the --shell-escape option you'll have
> to pass to the LaTeX process).

Thanks for this (and the pointers that you - and others? - have
provided previously): it finally motivated me to try out minted.

One problem I ran into was that the version of minted.sty that I have
uses "which -s" to find pygmentize, ``which'' complains about -s and the
run fails. I ended up editing minted.sty to get rid of the -s and
everything works smoothly.

The version I have says

\ProvidesPackage{minted}[2010/01/27 v1.6 Yet another Pygments shim for LaTeX]

I checked CTAN and the most recent version is 1.7: that has excised the -s.


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