I am using the latest version of orgmode and its still not working. Here are my *messages* from the buffer
Creating agendas...done Saving all Org-mode buffers... (No files need saving) Saving all Org-mode buffers... done Copying files... (New file) OVERVIEW Saving file /home/xxxxxx/Dropbox/MobileOrg/mobileorg.org... Wrote /home/xxxxxx/Dropbox/MobileOrg/mobileorg.org Writing index file... Writing checksums... Files for mobile viewer staged It says that it created the agendas... Here is my index.org :~/Dropbox/MobileOrg> cat index.org #+READONLY #+TODO: TODO DONE #+TODO: | DONE #+TAGS: #+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES CLOCK LOGBOOK #+ALLPRIORITIES: A B C * [[file:agendas.org][Agenda Views]] ...removing the rest for privacy... It created a link to the agendas.org file... Why didn't the agendas.org file get created? Do i have to create it myself? Do I have to export my agenda view myself? How do I get this to work? TIA, -- Cameron