Torsten Wagner <> writes:

> Hi,
> I recently started to prepare lecture notes in org mode. I used the example
> from Eric on worg as a template.
> Everything works well. I used the first headline level to define groups of
> slides, the second level are slide titels and so on. A full export to PDF
> looks like expected. However, I thought I can do something like
> * lecture 1...
> * lecture 2...
> * lecture 3...
> and exporting only the subtree, I assumed should result in a PDF file for a
> single lecture. This does not work :( A subtree export with the pointer on
> a toplevel headline ommits all slide titles (all ** levels). I tried to be
> smart and added :noexport: to all but one lecture. However, that had no
> effect at all.
> Any idea what might be wrong? Or did I misunderstood the usage of the
> grouping frames function.
> All the best
> Torsten


sorry for delay in responding to this.  I was away (down under) for a
while and am only now slowly getting caught up with emails... :(

Exporting a sub-tree does not work for beamer because of how org treats
a sub-tree.  Basically, when compared with an export of the full file,
all headings are promoted one level up with the top level heading taking
on the role of the "file" enclosing the talk.  

If for the whole file, you have using the structure that says that 1st
level headings are topics and second level are slides, then when
exporting a sub-tree, the 1st level heading becomes the title of the
talk and second level headings become the topics.  This is not what you

For general latex export (and other export targets, I guess), the
structure being exported is just an outline structure with content and
the actual heading levels have no specific semantic meaning.  This is
not true for beamer unfortunately.

I guess we need the latex exporter to handle beamer examples differently
to other latex.  In other words, a sub-tree export should not do the
/promotion/ of headlines like usual for any other type of latex
export.  Addressing this is beyond my capabilities unfortunately.

Maybe somebody else can address this?  It would indeed be useful, not
only in the context given above but also for exporting just a single
slide, which would require exporting the topic for that slide... even
more complex case to handle especially.

I hope that at least this makes sense even if it doesn't help you
directly ... :(

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.598.g4e2a)

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