I recently started to prepare lecture notes in org mode. I used the example
from Eric on worg as a template.
Everything works well. I used the first headline level to define groups of
slides, the second level are slide titels and so on. A full export to PDF
looks like expected. However, I thought I can do something like
* lecture 1...
* lecture 2...
* lecture 3...
and exporting only the subtree, I assumed should result in a PDF file for a
single lecture. This does not work :( A subtree export with the pointer on
a toplevel headline ommits all slide titles (all ** levels). I tried to be
smart and added :noexport: to all but one lecture. However, that had no
effect at all.
Any idea what might be wrong? Or did I misunderstood the usage of the
grouping frames function.

All the best

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