>> >
>> > In order to prevent confusion or needless argument: the path I
>> >think we should back off of is the committing of these changes to
>> >master - I think the work should be done in a branch and cooked
>> >thoroughly before merging it to master.
>> >
> Partly agree here - I was bitten by the changes, and have suspended work on
> one project until this issue stabilizes - I do not want to change my files
> after each change.

Hi Rainer,

In a previous thread in which you were included I suggested a solution
which works now and will continue to work in the future no matter how
this issue is resolved.  That solution is to use a multi-line file local
variable [1] to customize the org-babel-default-header-args variable.  I
should have made a bigger deal of this solution when I posted it the
first time, my apologies.

In general I think we do a good job of not breaking functionality
without on this master branch, and I think that introducing a multitude
of branches would only serve to add confusion, reduce org-wide
cooperation, and ultimately only delay rather than somehow remove them.

Best -- Eric

[1]  to see the info page evaluate (info "(elisp)File Local Variables")

Eric Schulte

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