Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thorsten <quintf...@googlemail.com> writes:
>> Hello List, I have a org-contacts file with a few contacts with EMAIL
>> property, taken from gnus using org-capture as described in the
>> org-contacts manual. The contacts are tagged with some tags. But if I
>> try to send an email to one of the contacts using completion in
>> message-mode, nothing happens. I type + and press <TAB> in the To:
>> header, but to no avail. I even restarted Emacs without loading bbdb,
>> since there seemed to be some interference, but that didn't help
>> either. I cannot find any more variables to connect org-contacts with
>> gnus, so I guess it should work out of the box.
> (caveat: I have never used org-contacts)
> In such cases, typically there is an insinuate function. Yes, there is
> one
> (org-contacts-gnus-insinuate)
> Try adding that to .emacs or eval it.
> I also see this snippet of code in org-contacts.el and is done
> automatically for you.
> (when (boundp 'completion-at-point-functions)
>   (add-hook 'message-mode-hook
>           (lambda ()
>             (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions
>                          'org-contacts-message-complete-function))))
> So while composing the mail, check the value of variable
> completion-at-point-functions and make sure you see some org-contacts
> related entries there.

Thats the culprit - I use Emacs 23.1.1, and it seems that variable
completion-at-point-functions has been added to Emacs just recently
with version 23.2. So I have to update my Emacs - should I go for Emacs
24 right away, or is that to early?

> Looks like the guts of completion happen in
> org-contacts-complete-name. So you can place your cursor on a message
> header and try doing
> M-: (org-contacts-complete-name)
> Hope something interesting will happen.
>> What might be wrong in this case?
>> Thanks for any hints. 
>> PS
>> One further org-contacts related question: there is a predefined
>> property ADDRESS, without any inner structure. Am I supposed to write my own
>> org-capture template for that property? How would that look like - just
>> one single string? If I want something more structured (street, city,
>> zip-code etc), I have to define one property for each info-piece, or is
>> there something like a compound property? 

Thanks for your help


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