This is similar to the way I've done it before. It makes it cumbersome if
there are many lines below the cell that is to be inserted though..

It would be nice to have as a function that inserts or deletes a cell in the
same way as one can insert and delete rows and columns. Maybe as a prefix
to M-S-<left/right> and M-S-<up/down> ?


On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 8:50 PM, brian powell <>wrote:

> * May want to turn org-mode/table off temporarily (or maybe it will
> just make it easier) then you can do the "rectangle edits" michael was
> referring to:
> ** Go to the point just to the right of the 4.
> ** C@ ---marks the point.
> ** Go to the 3.
> ** Cxrk
> ** Go to "@2$2"--i.e. where the "4" used to be.
> ** Cxry
> * Emacs OrgMode makes all of this easier since it lines everything up
> for you by "covering down" the columns (org-table-align)---making all
> the cells easily edited by the usual "rectangle-killing" and
> "rectangle-yanking" methods.
> ** The method above can be generalized for editing OrgMode tables
> regardless of the number of symbols in the cells--since OrgMode aligns
> them for you; and, EMACS is restricted only by the amount of RAM in
> your computer.
> *** Also, if you want to edit gygabyte size files, using similar
> methods, I highly recommend QEMACS.

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