* May want to turn org-mode/table off temporarily (or maybe it will
just make it easier) then you can do the "rectangle edits" michael was
referring to:
** Go to the point just to the right of the 4.
** C@ ---marks the point.
** Go to the 3.
** Cxrk
** Go to "@2$2"--i.e. where the "4" used to be.
** Cxry
* Emacs OrgMode makes all of this easier since it lines everything up
for you by "covering down" the columns (org-table-align)---making all
the cells easily edited by the usual "rectangle-killing" and
"rectangle-yanking" methods.
** The method above can be generalized for editing OrgMode tables
regardless of the number of symbols in the cells--since OrgMode aligns
them for you; and, EMACS is restricted only by the amount of RAM in
your computer.
*** Also, if you want to edit gygabyte size files, using similar
methods, I highly recommend QEMACS.