Nathan Neff <> writes: > I'm looking for a way to capture notes from a terminal, > without having to jump over to emacs. > > In the past, I simply append the text from the command line > to my ~/ file, but if I have emacs running and have a modified > ~/ buffer, then I run into complications. > > I think that a good way would be to have a bash script > that tells emacs to run one of the org-capture functions, > along with the newly entered text from the command line. > > Can anyone point me to the right function to call? >
If you have your emacs running a server [1], then you can easily connect from without using emacsclient. For example this short shell script will echo its arguments in your message buffer. Cheers -- Eric
#!/bin/sh emacsclient -e "(message \"hello from the command line: $(echo "$@") \")"
> > Thanks, > --Nate > Footnotes: [1] -- Eric Schulte