"Sebastien Vauban" <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Martyn and Eric,
> Martyn Jago wrote:
>> Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Martyn Jago <martyn.j...@btinternet.com> writes:
>>>> Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> I've just pushed up what will hopefully be a more general solution.
>>>>> Basically, language-specific test files can now signal errors if they
>>>>> have unmet dependencies.  These are then intercepted by `org-test-load'
>>>>> and the file is not added to the test suite.  Hopefully this will allow
>>>>> language-specific tests to be written without breaking the config-less
>>>>> test suite.
>>>>> See the top of test-ob-R.el for an example usage.
>>>>> Cheers -- Eric
>>>> Unfortunately this is still broken for me. Given the exe exists but the
>>>> feature doesn't (ie no personal config), the following line causes the
>>>> error `peculiar error' !
>>>>    (signal 'org-test-lib-not-found "ess"))
> FYI, same for me, with the "batch tests", on a git update'd copy done 2 mins
> ago.

Thanks for the supporting info.  I've just pushed up a fix which should
resolve this issue.

Cheers -- Eric

Eric Schulte

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