As a creative-writer-type who also dabbles in code, I've found org-mode
extremely useful to not only to organize notes relating to a project but
also for creative writing. Structure and navigation/linking is a breeze
and export is well developed.
I've come across lately
and tried it with org instead of the outline mode it was written for and
it seems to work very well. I find it a very useful aid.
It might be worth polling people to see if there's enough interest for
this kind of feature and including it if the reaction's positive as it's
a fairly trivial piece of code.
It also occurred to me that for someone who knows what they're doing
(not me!) it should be trivial to adapt it to function in code blocks to
higlight the current bracketed expression or function ... just an idea.
Hope I'm not just wasting time ... :), Vicaro
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__________sabbasatta- bhavantu sukhitatta-___________
____________ may all beings be well ______________