On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 16:07:33 +0200
Renato <renn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I'm trying to set up org-remember, however I'm having some
> problems. 

I really didn't expect these multiple very detailed replies, thank you
very much guys! So it seems that (require 'org-remember) doesn't solve
the problem. I even tried doing M-x load-file
RET /usr/share/emacs/23.3/lisp/org/org-remember.el.gz but still I
there's no match for org-remember-insinuate.

So I'll update org-mode, as you suggested. BTW I do use many packages
from AUR (and clyde too) but, if possible, I try to avoid them as I do
update them far less frequently (mainly because the update process
requires much more user input and is usually much longer). Also clyde
-Syu --aur doesn't recompile git, svn etc. packages IIRC, but that's
another problem and maybe I should look into another AUR helper. 


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