On Mon, Aug 22 2011, Bernt Hansen wrote:

> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> What would it take to get an Agenda tags view that indented nested
>> TODOs? I've always been bothered by the fact that nested TODOs within a
>> subtree are all flattened for the agenda view, so sometimes it's hard to
>> tell that several TODOs all belong to one "bigger" TODO.
>> I guess it would have to go in `org-finalize-agenda-entries', after the
>> filter function is run, and somehow instead of the way org entries are
>> currently fed to the sorting function. Would this be a desirable option?
> Set 
>                           (org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented)
> in your agenda view.

That's pretty interesting, but not quite what I meant: I was thinking
that TODOs would be first sorted by outline level, and then only TODOs
that belonged to a subtree with "higher" TODOs would be indented. With
"indented", a second-level TODO can come after a first-level TODO and
appear to be subordinate to it, though they belong to completely
different subtrees.

But stating the problem this way makes me realize it's more complicated
than I thought…


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