Michael Hannon <jm_han...@yahoo.com> writes:

> Greetings.  I happened to notice that in evaluating R source-code blocks in an
> Org-Mode file I got some cruft from my .Rprofile in the output on some
> occasions but not on others.
> To my surprise, it appears that the CASE of the keywords on the BEGIN_SRC line
> affects the output.  Please see the appended for a simple example.
> I haven't been able to find this behavior documented any place, but of course
> it's possible I just missed it.
> Can somebody confirm/deny that Org-Mode is SUPPOSED to behave this way?
> Thanks,
> -- Mike
> * Mike's test of UPPER CASE keywords
>     x <- rnorm(5)
> #+results:
> |   -1.78820283900565 |
> |  -0.469227269149123 |
> |   -0.92353467915834 |
> | -0.0831621941877021 |
> |    -1.5583681234565 |
> * Mike's test of lower case keywords
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output :exports both
>     x <- rnorm(5)
> #+results:
> : 
> : 
> : All ready to go...
> : 
> : Fri Aug 19 15:46:15 2011 
> : Hasta la vista!

Hi Mike,

I believe what is happening is that :RESULTS and :EXPORTS are not
recognized, so :results (the correct header argument) defaults to value.


Thomas S. Dye

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