Bastien <> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> Nick Dokos <> writes:
> > * foo
> >
> > Verbiage to begin the paragraph
> > #+begin_src shell
> > var section [section ...]
> > #+end_src
> > and verbiage to end the same paragraph.
> >
> > * bar
> >
> > Verbiage to begin the paragraph
> > #+begin_example
> > var section [section ...]
> > #+end_example
> > and verbiage to end the same paragraph.
> I tested your patch with the example above and I get this:
> ,----
> | Verbiage to begin the paragraph
> | 
> | \lstset{language=shell}
> | \begin{lstlisting}
> | var section [section ...]
> | \end{lstlisting}
> | 
> | and verbiage to end the same paragraph.
> | \section*{bar}
> | \label{sec-2}
> | 
> | 
> | Verbiage to begin the paragraph
> | 
> | \begin{verbatim}
> | var section [section ...]
> | \end{verbatim}
> | and verbiage to end the same paragraph.
> `----
> It looks better than the current export (less white lines) but still
> has a problem with the first "and verbiage..." being indented.
> Is this intentional?  Or do you want the same behavior for #+begin_src
> and #+begin_example?
> In overall, I think number of white lines should be the same in the Org
> source file and in the LaTeX exported file, so a patch here is welcome.
> But maybe I misunderstood something in Eric's reply.

So here's another patch to get rid of some more newlines, these ones after
a listings or minted environment. I tried both with the previously posted file
and setting org-export-latex-listings to t or 'minted. AFAICT, it works as it
should and should not break anything else, but... This is to be applied on top
of the previous one (and it's still very much a trial balloon).

BTW, the defcustom of org-export-latex-listings seems to be outdated:
custom thinks it's a boolean, but it can now take at least one more value
(minted - see the docstring).


>From 5337cbb0669c6b05170190ec1e5751bdcf132d87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Dokos <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 18:36:50 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Get rid of gratuitous newline after listing/minted

Signed-off-by: Nick Dokos <>
 lisp/org-exp.el |    4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-exp.el b/lisp/org-exp.el
index a2a2fb3..f795fbd 100644
--- a/lisp/org-exp.el
+++ b/lisp/org-exp.el
@@ -2689,11 +2689,11 @@ INDENT was the original indentation of the block."
                       (format "\\begin{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}\n"
                               custom-environment rtn custom-environment))
-                      (format "\\begin{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}\n"
+                      (format "\\begin{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}"
                               "lstlisting" rtn "lstlisting"))
-                       "\\begin{minted}[%s]{%s}\n%s\\end{minted}\n"
+                       "\\begin{minted}[%s]{%s}\n%s\\end{minted}"
                        (mapconcat #'make-option-string
                                   org-export-latex-minted-options ",")
                        backend-lang rtn)))))))

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