I'd be very grateful for some help setting up Mobile Org. This is what I have defined right now:
(setq org-mobile-directory "/Volumes/iainhouston/org") (setq org-agenda-files (list "~/Documents/org/gtd.org" ;; more to add ) ) These are my issues: 1. When I push, no Agenda file is created as document says it should The generated index.org links to agendas.org but no such file has been created even though I have an agenda after C-c a a l 3. Linked files are not copied as described in the Mobile Org webpage for sync-ing in gtd.org I have: [[file:~/Documents/org/maybe.org][Someday / Maybe tasks]] which is ignored when pushed but is a valid link in emacs. 4. Missing TODO states In emacs I can cycle through my TODO states: (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "MAYBE" "WAITING" "NEXT" "|" "DONE" "ABANDONED")) ) but when sync'd with MobileOrg my TODO items are reported as having a TODO state of "none" with only the option to move to "DONEARCHIVE" state or the