Aloha Adrian Wrigley,

Version 6.33 is out of date.  It would likely help to upgrade your
Org-mode installation if possible.

All the best,

"Dr. Adrian Wrigley" <> writes:

> Hi people!
> I've just started using Org mode (6.33x).  A fabulous tool.  But I have a 
> problem
> exporting TeX such as this:
> ----------------SAMPLE------------------------
> I want to emphasise \emph{these three words} only.
> ------------------END-------------------------
> when this is exported, the closing brace is erroneously escaped with a 
> backslash "\".
> It works fine without the spaces in the \emph section.
> The closest discussion on the topic is here:
> but unlike Scot, I find even keeping the text on one line doesn't work.
> I would like to pass multi-line arguments, with spaces in braces.
> I don't think it works to put use a #+BEGIN_LaTeX block for
> every argument, since that seems to confuse things and is very verbose.
> What's the best way of doing this?
> Thanks for your time!
> --
> Dr. Adrian Wrigley.

Thomas S. Dye

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