* Bastien <b...@altern.org> wrote:
> Hi Karl,


> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> Is there a good way of adding the (multi line) address to the
>> PROPERTY drawer or should I put the address in the notes right below
>> the drawers?
> I'd suggest reformatting the multi-lines address into a single-line
> string. 

Done that. The original data was in fact not multi-line and so I
modified the source code to get one line per information.

> Thanks for letting us know about your progress!

Well, it is pretty simple:

contacts.org with two main headings: one for people and one for
companies with one person in yasnippet-syntax:

,----[ yasnippet template for one contact  ]
| # name : Org-contacts template for a person
| # --
| ** $1 $2  :$1$2:
| :TYPE: ${3:$$(yas/choose-value '("person" "company"))}
| :EMAIL: $4
| :MOBILE: ++43/
| :CITY:
| :COUNTRY: Österreich
| :END:
| Erstkontakt: $0

Karl Voit

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