Should org-refile be able to refile list items? I suspect it would be
non-trivial to add this functionality if it isn't already there, but I
feel a bit overwhelmed keeping notes as headlines, particularly
because I like to leave soft wrapping off and have a hard wrap at 80

,----[ Sample Outline ]
| * Headline 1
| - List level 1
|   - List level 2
| * Headline 2
| Some text.

If I attempt to refile the item "- List level 1" to the second headline, I get

,----[ Mangled Outline ]
| * Headline 2
| Some text.
| ** Headline 1
| - List level 1
|   - List level 2

when the following is expected

,----[ Expected Outline ]
| * Headline 1
| * Headline 2
| - List level 1
|  - List level 2
|  Some text.

Where the list items appear before or after "Some text." depending on
refile variables.

Jeffrey Horn

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