Bastien I have patched up htmlfontify[1] to support fontification of odt source blocks. I am planning to submit the patch to emacs-devel.
Till such time as this patch is integrated in to official Emacs, I would like to check-in a copy of htmlfontify.el into the contrib dir. Will there any objection to this? I am attaching sample before and after files to tickle the curiosity.
* Hello World Program This is a simple hello world program in emacs-lisp. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun helloworld () "Print Hello World!" (message "HelloWorld")) #+end_src * Example Org file This is a simple org file. #+begin_src org ,* Level1 headline , Level1 text #+end_src
Description: helloworld-before.odt
Description: helloworld-after.odt
Footnotes: [1] htmlfontify is part of Emacs core bundle --