* John Wiegley <jwieg...@gmail.com> wrote: > Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes: > >> Wow. This looks like exactly what I want to achieve with the >> «Memacs» project on [1]. We certainly need to exchange ideas and >> code :-) > > They sure do sound similar in spirit!! It's like we are tuned to the same > wavelength. :)
*g* >> Our plan is to use Python to simply generate org (archive) files from >> different sources since we do have no ELISP knowledge and Python does >> already have beautiful libraries for RegEx, string manipulation, XML, JSON, > > I have to say that one of my personal requirements is that such a system be > implemented as much in Emacs Lisp as possible. I hate debugging code that's > "in between" Emacs and some other system. Plus, I have excellent > documentation, debugging and profiling resources available to me in Emacs, but > I've never found anything close to equivalent in Python (and I've tried them > all: ipython, pydb, ropemacs, etc). Developing in Emacs is just so efficient > and fun, that I do it as much for recreation as to get things done. I am sure that ELISP is cool. But here, we do not have any LISP knowledge at all and I hardly know anyone in our hacking community who is really into ELISP I am afraid. So I have to stick to my (local) resources. In my point of view, it is no problem at all because the «API» we do have is the format of Org-mode files. Memacs is - unlike your system - not done with Emacs at all: Python scripts generate Org-mode files and that is all. This is a fundamental difference in our attempts - I know. Maybe our systems could cooperate like Memacs doing in-between-filtering and Org-X the integration to Org-mode or similar. >> We do not have any code yet but two of my students began to work on the >> project. > > Are they Lisp programmers? No. I know not a single ELISP programmer here at my side :-( >From my point of view - and I am sure this may differ from reality! - ELISP is some kind of niche language that is slowly going down in popularity. Again: this is not what I want it to be, this is my very personal experience. > If so, perhaps we could combine our efforts. Sure. But we can not provide ELISP code. So my current plan is still: stick to Python, let the finished (auto-generated) Org-mode files be the «API». It's better to do *something* (in Python) than to do nothing at all. > Since my own needs are immediate for this project, I should have the first > three backends for Org-X completed by month's end. By that time, the core API > should be stable and I'll be ready to merge this code into main. I've also > been writing for org.texi at the same time, so it will come fully documented > when it arrives. I sure will take a look at it! We do not have any plan when first Nexus and Memacs will be out. We are still in the early planning phase. -- Karl Voit