Hello Nicolas and Jambu,

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I see. Contents of inline tasks are meant to be interpreted during
>> export. Thus, paragraphs will be marked as <p>, lists as <ul> or
>> whatever...
>> This isn't compatible with the default <pre> tag provided. I can see two
>> possibilities. Come up with a better default value, or provide a way to
>> tell to template that contents will be verbatim (or both).
>> I prefer the first solution, but I can't think of something simple, yet
>> elegant enough, for that value. Do you have any suggestion?
> (I am speaking here from purely html/odt perspective)
> 1. When org-inlinetask is NOT LOADED, inline tasks are treated as
>   regular headlines and are listified. (The "END" of inlinetask appears
>   as listified headline though)
> 2. If inlinetask is LOADED, the exporter could check the headline level
>   against org-inlinetask-min-level and take the following actions:
>   - Continue to generate listified entries for inline tasks but
>     surround them with <div class="inlinetask"> ... </div> entries.
>   - Strip the "END" list item from being generated

I don't know much html/css but lately I have been fooling around with
export of inlinetasks. I found that for html export having them as a
section with highlighting seemed to serve my purpose well. It seems to
me inline tasks are either used as task reminders in the context of a
larger document or as contextual notes. For either case, it serves the
purpose better if its highlighted or quoted in some coloured box or
something similar.

To achieve this, I modified the default templates for html and latex
export like this:

(html "<div class=\"%s\"><b>%s%s</b><br />%s</div>"
            (eq todo "")
          (format "<span class=\"%s %s\">%s%s</span> " class todo todo 
        heading content))

;; this requires the todonotes package
(latex "\\todo[inline]{\\textbf{%s %s}\\linebreak{} %s}"
             (eq todo "")
           (format "\\textsc{%s%s}" todo priority))
         heading content))

For html export with the above template one could control the styling by
defining the div.inlinetask class in their custom.css.

To have more control over the styling using multiple css classes, I
tried using HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS with an inline task and altering the
html template to something like this:

(html "<div class=\"%s\"><b>%s%s</b><br />%s</div>"
      '((org-entry-get nil "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS")
            (eq todo "")
          (format "<span class=\"%s %s\">%s%s</span> " class todo todo 
        heading content))

But that doesn't seem to work at all! I get no errors, just the
inlinetask gets exported with an empty class like this:

<div class=""> ... </div>

Strangely, if I replace the (org-entry-get ..) with (message "bla"), the
exported markup looks something like this:

<div class="bla"> ... </div>

I hope this gives you ideas or scope for improvement for export of


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