Matt Lundin <> writes:

> A bit more generous org-at-timestamp-p does have some practical
> advantages: it can save cursor movement when navigating an org document.
> For instance, when navigating the following headline, I would typically
> type C-n C-e to go to the end of the scheduled line. That puts the
> cursor at the point directly after the scheduled timestamp:
> * A headline
>   SCHEDULED: <2011-08-04 Thu>
>                              ^ i.e., here
> Having to move the cursor backwards one point would add a little bit of
> inconvenience.

C-c C-s on the headline lets you modify more quickly the
time-stamp. I may be missing the point, but that position has no
particular interest.

> I believe the current behavior of org-at-timestamp-p is consistent with
> that of the *-at-point functions.

Agreed. But, on the other hand, it isn't consistent with any similar Org
function. Try `org-footnote-at-reference-p' just after a footnote
reference or `org-context' just after a link. In both cases, point will
be considered outside of the element.


Nicolas Goaziou

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