Hi Eric,

"Sebastien Vauban" wrote:
> Eric Schulte wrote:
>> Ista Zahn <iz...@psych.rochester.edu> writes:
>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Stephen Eglen
>>> <s.j.eg...@damtp.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Torsten, you've expressed it elegantly!
>>>>> c) to delete all the old results and start "fresh"
>>> +1 for c. I often work with R objects that are simply too large to store
>>> in org tables, so I use babel caching + session + write / load R data
>>> files from disk. This works, but it becomes easy to get to an inconsistent
>>> state, and I would like to be able to delete the results blocks and run
>>> the whole thing fresh.
>> You could try evaluating the following with "M-x :" in an Org-mode buffer.
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>   (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil (org-babel-remove-result))
>> #+end_src
> On the file I took for testing, this works OK.

More complete test...

* Test 1 -- OK!

** Anonym block

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output org
(print "Test")



** Named block

#+source: echo
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n="me"
  (message "hi %s" n)

#+results: echo
: hi me

* Test 2 -- OK!

Setting a global data through a fake results block:

#+results: max-lines
: 200

Then using it:

#+source: print-max-lines
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=max-lines
  (message "there are %s lines" n)

#+results: print-max-lines
: there are 200 lines

The latter results block is deleted. The former, with the assignation, is not.

* Test 3 -- Not OK... <<<

And the call line for the named block:

#+call: echo()

#+results: echo()
: hi me

This results block is not deleted, while it should?

> Regarding a key binding, looking at =C-c C-v h=, this is already quite full.
> Though, =k= is free, and could be used for "killing the results".

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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