Hi Bastien,

Bastien wrote:
> thanks for signaling this problem -- I fixed it on the server.
> This commit creates problems when exporting using org-info.js: 
> http://orgmode.org/w/?p=org-mode.git;a=commit;h=2f1fbc58be1dc48621217d666da7bc46c3c5d84e
> This is no real surprise, as the commit changes the underlying
> div structure of an HTML page produced by Org...
> Sebastian, what would be need to make org-info.js compatible
> with both the old HTML structure and the new one, which is:
> <body>
>   <div id="preamble"> 
>   </div>
>   <div id="content">
>   </div>
>   <div id="postamble">
>   </div>
> </body>
> (With the "preamble"/"content"/"postamble" strings being defined
> in the variable `org-export-html-divs'.)
> If that's too complicate, perhaps we can enforce another structure
> for divs.

I fear this is above my current capability. I tried to understand that code
for a while, but never succeeded (in a reasonable time) to, and never could
simplify it as I wanted (to use it for my own). Of course, this is mainly due
because of my inexperience in good tools to test and debug JS, and to my lack
of knowledge of that language.

But, what did you do to fix the problem?  The current structure of the HTML
page looks good, and follows the above skeleton (except there is no preamble).
So, everything looks right to me?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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