Hi all and Sebastian, thanks for signaling this problem -- I fixed it on the server.
This commit creates problems when exporting using org-info.js: http://orgmode.org/w/?p=org-mode.git;a=commit;h=2f1fbc58be1dc48621217d666da7bc46c3c5d84e This is no real surprise, as the commit changes the underlying div structure of an HTML page produced by Org... Sebastian, what would be need to make org-info.js compatible with both the old HTML structure and the new one, which is: <body> <div id="preamble"> </div> <div id="content"> </div> <div id="postamble"> </div> </body> (With the "preamble"/"content"/"postamble" strings being defined in the variable `org-export-html-divs'.) If that's too complicate, perhaps we can enforce another structure for divs. Thanks for your time! -- Bastien