> see "Dropbox authentication".  Should the "MobileOrg" folder 
> have been created for me on my Dropbox site?  (It looks like it is
> automatically created on the iphone app).  Nothing was created, either
> before or after attempting to sync.  So, I then manually created
> "MobileOrg" folder, and tried to "Sync" again, but no joy.

No you need to create the folder from the Emacs side.

Example setup;

1. Install dropbox on your linux/windows box
2. Make sure its started (setsid ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd)
3. mkdir ~/Dropbox/syncdir
4. From emacs 
   (setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/syncdir")
   M-x org-mobile-push
5. From Android, Settings -> Configure Synchronizer -> Path

6. From Android: Sync & Enjoy

I recently submitted a few patches for org-mobile android developer,
that fix a few annoying problems (ie back button resetting the view to
1st element), there should be a new version released soon with these fixes.

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