On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Thomas Renkert <
tunnelbl...@quantentunnel.de> wrote:

> Jambunathan K <kjambunathan <at> gmail.com> writes:
> >
> > The biggest diasadvantage would be fragmentation of information.
> >
> > All information needs to have authoritative sources and archives. I
> > believe the info manual, GNU mailing list and the Orgmode.org domain (of
> > which Worg is but a part) are the right place for such archival
> > references.
> Sure. But reading the manual from a to z or searching the mailing list for
> the
> right line of elisp is sometimes very slow if you need a quick solution. I
> am by
> no means suggesting that we should give up the established ways of
> archiving
> information or discussion, though.
> I simply think that something like "ask.orgmode.org" with a
> stackexchange-like
> interface could be very helpful for a larger portion of users.
> It may happen that redundant information is produced by this idea but I
> think it
> will make orgmode more usable and less intimidating for new users.
> Something
> similar has happened before: the orgguide was Carsten's solution for the
> complex
> 200+ pages of the original manual.
> Besides I find that useful information is already pretty much fragmented
> across
> the threads of this mailing list (there is also a lot of bugfixing,
> regression
> reports and feature request going on).
> Sure, the knowledge is there somewhere but it would be nice to see what
> works
> and what is useful without having to try everything for yourself.
> > I don't think anyone would object to having a secondary marketplace for
> > trading of orgmode related tips and tricks.
> My question is if anyone on this list would actively participate to get it
> off
> the ground. And I think that hosting it on the orgmode.org-server would
> make a
> lot of sense.
> Is somebody here interested in starting this?
Not starting - but I think it is a really good idea.
Nothing against worg (an absolutely fantastic resource) - but I consider the
way that worg is edited as more static then a dynamic FAQ page, which this
would result in if I understand correctly.

I would definitely add to it. I agree that this should not replace any of
the great resources of org, but it could supplement as a more dynamic format
then worg, but more structured then a mailing list.



Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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