Am 18.07.2011 10:51, schrieb Bastien:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer Stengele <> writes:
>> I am quite sure it is some misconfiguration
>> in my settings but I just don't know how to find it.
> If you changed some faces through M-x customize-face RET, 
> then you will have a (custom-set-faces ...) somewhere in 
> your configuration files (either in .emacs.el or some
> other value of the variable custom-file, which see.
> Can you send this part of the configuration?
> Is anybody else able to reproduce this problem?
> Thanks,

Hi Bastien,

after your hint about the

(custom-set-faces ...)

I could already imagine where the problem was:
The zenburn theme.
After updating it to the most recent version found here:
the export works, tested already for large agenda views.

Most excellent! Exported agenda looks perfect!

Thanks for helping me solve the problem!

- Rainer

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